

Japanese Culture

New Year Food (Osechi)


New Year Food (Osechi)


During New Year in Japan, people usually make osechi or New Year foods to celebrate. Traditionally, osechi is made at home but recently, a number of shops are now selling osechi so that more people can purchase and enjoy it.


Typical Dishes for Osechi and its Meaning:

・Kuro-mame (black soybeans), sun-tanned to black, this food symbolizes hard work and good health for the upcoming year.

・Date-maki (japanese sweet omelette roll), looking similar to Japanese old scrolls, it bears a meaning of pursuing knowledge

・Tai (red sea bream), is associated with the Japanese word “medetai”, symbolizing an auspicious event.

These are only some of the food that are usually present in an osechi. Try looking it up and you will discover other food that is associated with good fortune for New Year.