

Business and Life Manners

Manner of Using Hand Towels (Oshibori)


Manner of Using Hand Towels (Oshibori)


It is truly a nice feeling when you get to receive a hot or cold hand towel (oshibori) during times when your hands are freezing from the cold or sweating from the heat. Oshibori are usually served the moment you sit down at restaurants. Make it a habit to use them to convey a gesture of appreciation to the servers. 

We will introduce how to use the oshibori. 


■ Receive the towel with your right hand, pass to the left hand, and fold it back after use.

If the oshibori is handed to you, receive it with your right hand, pass it to your left hand, and then wipe both hands with it. After using, fold it back neatly and place it on the table or on the oshibori holder if available. Also, if there is a packaging, do not pop it when opening to avoid noise. Try taking the oshibori out gently and calmly.