

Business and Life Manners

Protect Company and Client Privacy


 Protect Company and Client Privacy


In daily life, it is expected that we do not give personal details such as name, email address, home address, and phone number to unknown people. This common sense is also the same in the world of the internet. On the internet, especially in social media networks (SNS), not only do you protect your own personal information, but also as an employee, you must safeguard the privacy of your company and its affiliated clients and workers. 

You must always gain permission when posting photos related to your company or clients on your blog or website.

In addition, be careful about computer viruses to avoid any trouble and to enjoy the Internet safely. Avoid downloading files from suspicious websites/ emails or opening suspicious emails/ attachments.

Please read this article and be careful about your personal information and others.

Remember that personal information you have told to others can be used for scams, so please be careful.