

Business and Life Manners

Do Not Bother Other People or Coworkers


 Do Not Bother Other People or Coworkers


In the company, a large number of people gather to work. Thus, it is important not to bother other people or coworkers as a general rule.

[Points in how to avoid bothering people in your company]:

  • Avoid placing unnecessary items on your desk and always keep it clean and orderly
  • The equipment in the company is used by everyone, so handle it with care.
  • Know and follow the company rules and regulations
  • Avoid talking about things unrelated to work
  • How to ride an elevator: When riding an elevator, make way for the people getting off to pass through. After everyone has gotten off, ride the elevator.
  • If trash has fallen on the floor, pick it up quickly and throw it in the trash can.
  • Regulate your voice to an appropriate volume.
  • Do the hou-ren-sou method (report, contact, and consult)

In Japan, people think that it is important to always be considerate of others. As a working member of society, be careful not to bother others as much as possible.