Give Priority to Superiors and Clients in Elevators
In Japanese business, there is an etiquette of going up and down an elevator. Depending on the situation, bear in mind that there is a shimoza(for the subordinate) and the kamiza(for the superior) manner.
How to Ride the Elevator
- Position of Shimoza and Kamiza
Generally, the subordinate is the one who will operate the elevator, thus, he will ride the elevator ahead before the superior. Before entering the elevator, say [Osaki ni shitsureiitashimasu] to your superior or client. While the subordinate is standing in front of the operation panel(shimoza), he will push the [hiraku] or open button and hold the elevator door while the superior or customer enters and rides at the back (kamiza) of the elevator.
- Refrain from using mobile phones and talking
Set your mobile phone to silent mode in the elevator and stop checking your phone calls and social media. Furthermore, do not discuss topics, especially private company information, in front of others.
How to Get off the Elevator
When you get off the elevator, always give priority to the superior. It is common for the current person to get the boss or client down first while pressing the [hiraku] or open button on the elevator.
Let us try to greet and welcome the clients with good manners.